Document Details
Document Type |
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Thesis |
Document Title |
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Towards Management Information Systems for Strategic Periodicals Collection Management for Saudi Academic Libraries in the World of Electronic Journals نحو نظم معلومات إدارية لإدارة مجموعات الدوريات في المكتبات الجامعية السعودية في عالم الدوريات الإلكترونية |
Subject |
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information management for EJ |
Document Language |
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English |
Abstract |
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Saudi Academic Libraries (SALs) have been moving towards using electronic resources since 1992. This study aims to investigate the extent to which they have adopted the changes in electronic journals (bibliographic and full-text databases) and its effects on printed journal collection between the years 1995 and 2000. It also investigates the effect of electronic journal (EJ) on periodicals collection management procedures and the criteria considered important in the EJ decision-making process. This study also aims to integrate certain management methods with the criteria important in decision-making for EJ collection management. Furthermore, it compares the criteria applied by SALs in the EJ decision-making process to the international guidelines for EJ collection management, two University Libraries in the UK and by Purcel Report.
The survey method was used and data was obtained through questionnaires, which were administered to library professionals from six SALs which had electronic systems since 1995. The sample of the study belonged to three managerial levels: Administrative, General Services, and Technical Services, involved in EJs. The analysis of the data focused on understanding the major characteristics of SALs in terms of organizational structure and the existing EJ situation and its effects.
The most important findings show that the percentage of EJ collection sharply increased in 1996 by ninety eight percent which corresponds to a high increase in their budget of hundred and twenty five percent. The size of Printed Journals (PJ) collection did not increase much and remained stable between 1997 and 2000. The electronic journals acquisition was restricted only to the fields of Applied Science and Technology and Social Science. Most of the electronic journals that SALs subscribe to were in bibliographic form. This clearly indicates that the transition to the electronic media in SALs was somewhat sudden in the year 1997 which perhaps resulted in discrepancies in the budgeting and periodical collection management.
It was also found that EJs had a positive effect on Services and Equipment/ Facilities. A positive significant relationship was found between Costs and Services, Costs and Periodicals control and between Costs and Periodicals Collection. A significant relationship was also found between Staffing and Services and between Staffing and Equipment/Facilities. No significant relationship was found among the three job functions (Administrative, General and Technical) and their evaluation of criteria in decision-making thus indicating that the criteria of EJ decision-making differs according to job functions.
A follow up study was undertaken to assess the situation between 2001 and 2003 in SALs and also find their readiness to apply the Electronic Journals Management Systems (EJMS). It was found that they are capable of applying MIS models to help them deal with the existing problems in the process of adaptation to the developments in the field of information technology.
Although the findings of the comparative study indicated that SALs professionals generally agree with most of the criteria in the International Guidelines (INGs), that included two UK academic libraries and information provided in the Purcel Report, they lacked the capability to implement them. This could be due to the fact that the organisation of SALs is highly centralized.
The final objective of the study related to the development of an MIS model on the basis of the extent to which SALs, possess the potential of applying it. The model is based on the Knowledge Based System, Stakeholders and Process approaches. Having ascertained that SALs possess the minimum requirements to apply MIS the researcher developed a model of EJMS, for SALs, and also proposed an alternative model of DSS. A case study was conducted in King Abdul Aziz University Library (KAAUL) to ensure the implementation of the MIS model applied to the decision making process proposed in EJMS. |
Supervisor |
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Thesis Type |
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Doctorate Thesis |
Publishing Year |
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1428 AH
2006 AD |
Number Of Pages |
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375 |
Co-Supervisor |
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Added Date |
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Friday, March 9, 2012 |
سوسن طه ضليمي | DULAYMI, SAWSAN TAHA | Investigator | Doctorate | SDULAYMI@KAU.EDU.SA |
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